Business Sales
We work alongside Business Sales experts to ensure we reach as wide a market as possible to achieve the best possible result.
We work alongside Business Sales experts to ensure we reach as wide a market as possible to achieve the best possible result.
Depending on specific circumstances of the business, a sale on the open market may be marketed as a distressed sale or otherwise a going-concern sale. Irrespective, where an open market sale is pursued for a business, the process will achieve the best sales price in the circumstances.
Our work in seeking to save a business or business model sometimes requires the sale of the business on the open market.
This can be achieved through a formal appointment such as a Liquidation or a Voluntary Administration.
In either circumstance, the business can continue to trade if there is sufficient cashflow generated by it or injected into it to pay for its ongoing trade expenses, while a sale of business campaign is launched and managed by us through a business broker.
The advantage of selling a business under a Liquidation or Voluntary Administration is that the existing debts of the business are frozen whilst the best price for the business is sought from the open market.
A further advantage is that business sales in these scenarios typically generate opportunistic interest and can be bolt-ons to other businesses seeking to expand.
Business owners also have the opportunity to bid for the purchase of the business on the open-market in a Liquidation or Voluntary Administration. The highest and best paying offer for the business is what secures the sale.
“The advantage of selling a business under a Liquidation or Voluntary Administration is that the existing debts of the business are frozen whilst the best price for the business is sought from the open market.”
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